➳ This is the room where we continue to heal ourselves through the sacred act of being in a community of women.

➳ This is where our stories meet the depths of the void in other women, and becomes the medicine for their healing.

➳ This is where a movement is born, lives are changed and the chains of pain and shame around our bodies are broken.

❥ For our Daughters, for our Mothers and for those in our bloodlines and the collective.

… a fresh conversation leaving in its wake a healing legacy for the next generation.


Our modern world perpetuates disconnect and disharmony, here we are weaving sacred ways back into modern day, we are bringing women back to themselves, to their body and into their lives. 

Together, they are leaning in with courage and sturdiness to hold the space required for long-overdue, taboo conversations, to dismantle all that keeps women believing they are broken, to collectively open the floodgates of healing for women around the world.




Shyne is a pioneering organization dedicated to equipping survivors of sex trafficking by transforming their potential into real-world success. Shyne creates a brave space for survivors to rediscover and harness their innate strengths.
Your purchase of Becoming Whole Again provides trafficking survivors an opportunity to enhance their economic position in ways they might not otherwise be able to. Help us support this amazing community of Thrivers to step into the life they have always dreamed of!

  • My assistant and I have been reading it and we both agree that every woman should read this book! It is sensational.

    Dr Morgan Francis.
    Eating Disorder Therapist

  • It's a great companion. It helps you to feel 'not alone'. Through a journey of trauma and healing, it's so easy to get lost and feel overwhelmed. The stories told by these beautiful courageous ladies, give hope and tools to help others on their own journey.

    Sara Charisse Porter
    Author + Mama

  • a book like Becoming Whole Again - A Healing Legacy For Our Daughters is not just important, it’s the key to walking a path of healing and hope together while changing the fabric of reality for our children; may they never know the pain we have, that they may always know that healing is available and hope is never lost

    Kori Leigh
    Mama, Author + Top ranking podcast host

" The beauty of a village is in its soul, its spirit, and its heart. "

  • Author of: Love Hurts. A Pilgrimage of Coming Home.

    With a big breath and a leap, this book is now complete.

    I pray that this book in and of itself is the expression of wholeness, where every woman who has had the bravery to ink their pens alongside me has contributed to the creation of exactly that, for YOU.

    My work in the world offers a safe place for women, just like you, to land softly and intentionally to begin unraveling all that was never yours to begin with. Life is here to be lived, not pushed uphill until your last breath. Come home to your body, learn how to listen to the whispers that move from within and let your body be your greatest mentor.

    As a survivor of trauma myself, as a Mentor for Survivors of Human Sex Trafficking, I have learnt a lot and I have a lot to learn. I have a keen interest in understanding developmental trauma and breaking the chains of shame and pain around the ankles of women globally.

    Connect with Shannon on a deeper level:

  • Author of: If This Body Could Talk, It Would Tell An Amazing Story

    Showing up in the world as our true self takes so much bravery and strength. We crave love and acceptance, so we morph ourselves into someone we think is lovable. Our pretending leads to small parts of us slowly breaking off and being worn down over time, until we don’t recognise who we have become.  

    Becoming whole is about learning to put those pieces back together, and having the confidence and strength to live as our true selves again.

    My work in the world is to speak my truth, so others have the courage to do the same. To teach those around me, how to embrace the light and the dark within us with self-compassion. And to encourage them to move through life, carrying only that which belongs to us. 

    Connect with Jen on a deeper level: 
    IG @msjenniferrobertson

  • Author of: Healing To Be Seen

    The gift of knowing who you are and trusting your unique expression is unmeasurable. This is how we rise up, out of the hardship of abuse, addiction, and old patterning that holds generations back. 

    My hope is for you to feel inspired to walk in faith, knowing that the roadmap to your life is already within you. The whispers are there for you, maybe it’s time to meditate! 

    NAVA Mala is my creative gift to the world. Crafting intentional gemstone mala and jewelry for meditation and manifestation. 

     “Stand in your creativity and passion. Never be afraid to heal.” 

    Connect with Amy Nava on a deeper level:
    IG: @amydnava

  • Author of: Dear Daughter, Dear Self 

    Somewhere along the way, our authenticity becomes buried as we keep up with a fast-paced culture of high stimulation and distraction, and the pressures of success and expectation that were never our own.

    Our work in the world is ever evolving, but the most impactful work will always take place within the four walls of our homes. Should you wish to explore a reconnection to the wisdom within, and unravel into the wholeness of your heart, my door is open.  

    Connect with Amanda Rumohr on a deeper level:

  • Author of: Walking my Inner Child Home

    When I said YES to bring my voice forth, I had no idea how my life would change, but as I look within now, my body feels so much lighter (not physical) and freer, my heart is open and I have so much love for myself as well as for others.

    My gift to this world consists of facilitating a process where my clients can reconnect to Spirit as I work with subtle energies, creating conditions that allow healing to come through.

    Connect with Ruth Johnstone on a deeper level:
    Facebook: Ruth Johnstone

  • Author of: Your Worth Is Not Defined By The Weight Of Your Body

    One of God's greatest gifts is wisdom, and wisdom comes from experience. Through uncomfortable and painful times, our traumas deliver us to our healing and we are gifted an opportunity and a voice to share our story. We are not broken, we are built. Built with a purpose to share whispers of hope.

    It is my gift to the world to be me; the me that is brave enough to use her voice. As a leader, daughter, mother, sister, friend, entrepreneur, and as a stranger, it is my honor to be a woman who moves forward in grace with intention to connect through faith, hope, and inspiration on my forever journey of healing. 

    Connect with Katie on a deeper level:

    IG: @katiemariestorm

  • Author of: Transcendence 

    There is medicine in the telling of our stories. 

    The healing reaches far and high, like the branches of a tree, to be activated in the hearts of those who read it.I lead in how to access the sweetness of sensuality, remembrance of innocence, the art of surrender, reclamation of pleasure, womb healing, nervous system alignment, cellular regeneration, and gently dissolve trauma, by calling fragmented parts of the self and soul home.

    Connect with Bracken on a deeper level:
    FB: bracken.rainbow

  • Author of: Coming Back Home

    Becoming whole again was not a choice for me. In this chapter of my life, I had come to the end of myself and what was no longer serving me. I had to go deeper. I needed to start the healing, regardless of being terrified!

    I am honored to be part of this movement to share our stories, to use our voices to encourage other women to be brave and become whole again as well. To show up in their lives the way they want to and be the women they were always called and made to be!

    As a single mom, my property management company and son keep me very busy. I am thankful to live and work in the Flathead Valley and raise my son here, out of the busy city.

    Connect with Lindsay on a deeper level:

  • Author of: Feel it All

    At every step of the healing journey, let tears flow from your eyes in connection to your divinity. From this place, you can manifest the life you’ve always longed for. Lay it all down, create the space to sink into your feelings - anything goes - let it move you to the most soul-full version of yourself.

    My work is living through compassion and harmony to create beauty. I am fulfilled by making things with my hands, finding solutions, and continuing to follow the ever-evolving dreams of my heart. My son inspires me to model integrity, and he will bring those lessons alongside your daughters in a more loving and just world for all.

    Connect with Kara on a deeper level:
    IG: @karapersson

  • Author of: Roaming Hearts and Wandering Feet

    Collectively we are bringing awareness to Body Dysmorphia Syndrome and mental health.
    Here, we shine a light on the unhealthy thought patterns that may start to manifest and transform one’s life in a negative manner.

    My hope in sharing my story is that we choose open and positive communication as women, including that between mothers and daughters.

    May we see what needs to be seen, heal the past, learn for the future, emanate growth, and reignite the eternal light inside.

    “Synchronising the sacred breath in unison with flowing movement of the body, ultimately transforms the mind and soul”

    Connect with Tam on a deeper level: 
    FB: Intuitive Flow writings & spiritual/sensual poetry by Tammy Taylor

Sarah is a raw element of nature, a multidimensional artist and co-creator, fiercely devoted to her wild spirit. She creates from life, nature, observing her emotions, following her inspirations and the fire of her heart.

A depth and uniqueness was brought to this book through Sarah’s playful feminine style. Our pledge to give back to SHYNE was a big part of her YES, as a Survivor of trauma herself, the conversations and vision here is close to her heart.



Recovering alcoholic, mom, a former boss babe, a business owner who is forever learning to submit to God and her husband - she’s spent a lifetime dealing with mental health issues, addiction, a hardened heart and nervous system that was on perpetual overdrive from my dark and twisted past, trusting nobody.

As we say in recovery, find the similarities and not the differences - together we heal.

Becoming Whole Again - A Healing Legacy For Our Daughters is a must-read for every woman. To the women who ushered this book to those of us blessed enough to receive it, Thank You.

Your stories are healing us all.